Request For Application 2012 - IUWASH: Ambon City Sanitation Improvement Project (for Indonesian NGOs)

Posted by Unknown Monday, April 9, 2012 0 comments

As part of the Grant Program, IUWASH open Request for Application for Ambon City Sanitation Improvement Project that seeks to develop a Wastewater Master Plan document that will be used to plan the construction of wastewater facilities in the city of Ambon and promote increased access to improved sanitation for 200 heads of families through facilitate the installation of communal septic tanks that can be replicated by local governments through local budget, with a ceiling of Rp. 830 million (or U.S. $ 92.222), depending on the availability of funds. 
Activities to be held in Ambon City will include the following: 

1. Development Master Plan Wastewater Ambon 
2. Development of communal septic tanks 
3. Promotion of behavior change related to sanitation and hygiene practices through various media 
4. Strengthen the capacity of community based organization to manage the improvement of sanitation. 

This activity will run for 12 months and may be extended depending on the availability of funds, quality of project performance and compliance with project objectives IUWASH. 
Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (IUWASH) is a USAID-funded project. IUWASH project is looking for partners to implement the above activities. 
Calendar Request for Application (RFA) this time: 
* 9 April 2012: Launch of RFA 
* 25 April 2012: Clarification of Questions about the Request For Application (RFA), 16:00 AM 

* 23 April 2012: Meeting the pre-application in Ambon, 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. PST 

* 24 April 2012: Site visits, 9:00 to 15:00 AM 
* 25 April 2012: pre-application meeting in Makassar, 14:00 to 18:00 AM 

* 30 April 2012: Response to Clarification of RFA 
* May 25, 2012: Deadline (deadline) the receipt of proposals, 16:00 AM 


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Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Time of World Congress : 5 - 8 July 2012, Nairobi - Kenya.
The World Congress of NGOs is a unique forum where representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with diverse foci meet, examine issues of pressing global concern, share innovative ideas and practices, and build strategic partnerships. Together with leaders from the intergovernmental, governmental, and for-profit sectors, the participants map strategies to address the serious challenges facing both the third sector and the larger global community. Professional experts add practical trainings to help the NGOs become more effective in carrying out their vital missions.
The 2012 World Congress will take place from July 5 to 8 in Nairobi, Kenya. Convened by the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO), this present event comes on the foundation of international WANGO conferences held in Bangkok, Budapest, Santo Domingo, Toronto, and Washington, D.C., and an online World Congress held in 2010. Regional conferences have been held in such locales as Accra, Nairobi, Bangkok, and Montevideo.

Reflecting the unique challenges in our increasingly globalized world, the theme for the 2012 World Congress is The Role of NGOs in Times of Global Crises. Attendees will examine many of the serious perils confronting humanity at this time: the financial crisis, environmental impacts, peace and security issues, terrorism, humanitarian crises, human rights violations, scarcity of fresh water, and so forth.
NGOs (charities, nonprofits, civil society organizations) offer unique strengths for tackling the daunting challenges of our time. Their flexibility and grassroots connections aid them in quickly mobilizing resources to communities devastated by natural or man-made disasters. Their ability to work beyond borders and build transnational partnerships allow them to effectively tackle environmental problems, trafficking, and other concerns that extend beyond political boundaries. Their willingness to address threats that other groups may overlook or fear to tackle make them effective advocates in protecting human rights and confronting governmental and corporate corruption. And their often single-minded commitment and strong motivation gives them a civic power that other institutions may lack.
Notably, as institutions that do not place profit as their number one goal, NGOs also tend to be among the most trusted institutions in society, scoring higher on trust barometers than the governmental, corporate, and media realms. They generally are cost-effective and able to mount significant projects without large offices, staff, or funding.
NGOs have used these advantages to forge an effective middle ground between the state and the corporate world. They are now impacting policies and guiding agendas that once were nearly exclusively the arena of governments and corporations. In many cases, NGOs have proven to be more adept than government and business to respond to various needs. Such strengths place them in a key position to address present-day crises in the realms of financial institutions, water and food, refugees, governance, human rights and trafficking, poverty, environment and so forth.
Of course, NGOs also face many shortcomings, which this Congress will also address. A key, oft-cited weakness of the sector is lack of inter-NGO communication and coordination. Other challenges include limited institutional capacity and management expertise, frequent poor government-NGO cooperation, lack of understanding of the broader social and economic context, and funding difficulties. And this is not to forget the complication of having some NGOs that act unethically, thus weakening trust in the NGO sector.
World Congress of NGOs 2012 will bring together representatives of NGOs, colleges and universities, governmental and intergovernmental agencies, funding bodies, and corporations to address today's most serious challenges and to help NGOs be more effective in their particular missions.
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Call For Proposal 2012 - SIDA: Swedish Special Initiative for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression

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Closing Date: April 15,2012.
The Government of Sweden has decided to continue the special initiative for democratisation and freedom of expression launched in 2009. The initiative aims at supporting actors for change, individuals, groups and civil society organisations working for democratisation and freedom of expression.
The objective of this Call for Proposals is improved conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratisation and freedom of expression. The interventions shall contribute to improved conditions and increased opportunities for actors for change to work for enhanced democratisation and freedom of expression and the reduction of various forms of discrimination and oppression.
Sida invites organisations and other relevant actors to submit a Full Application for programmes/projects which might be considered under this support mechanism. 
Note! A specific Call for Proposals targeting support to actors for change who use and develop information and communication technologies (ICTs) to strengthen social movements and interests groups working for democratisation and freedom of expression will be launched, most probably in June/July 2012.
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Uban Youth Fund 2012 - UN HABITAT

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This fund promotes the poverty reduction aims of Millennium Development Goals and theHabitat Agenda for better, more sustainable and equitable towns and cities throughout the developing world. It provides grants of up to $25,000 for new ideas and solutions for job creation, good governance, adequate shelter and secure tenure.
By undertaking research on best practises in youth-led development the fund will also create a greater awareness of the urgency to ensure that youth concerns are integrated into national and local development policies and strategies.
Applicant organizations must be led by young people aged 15-32 years and be based in cities or towns in developing countries to qualify for a grant. Support will be provided primarily for those working to improve slum conditions and to raise opportunities for young people growing up in poverty. Projects encouraging gender equality or involving partnerships with the government or the private sector are particularly encouraged.

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