Call For Proposal 2014 - European Commission:for Civil Protection Mechanism Exercises

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, May 28, 2014 0 comments
Closing Date: June 25, 2014.

The call for proposals for Civil Protection Mechanism Exercises 2014 refers to action 2.8 of the Work Programme 2014 and aims to support exercises simulating the situation and conditions of major emergencies (due to natural and man-made disasters). It will require the activation of the European Civil Protection Mechanism, and the involvement of participating States, enlargement countries not participating in the Mechanism, and European Neighbourhood Policy, through the ERCC, mainly with deployment of intervention teams (including modules), teams of experts, national key contact point staff, officials of the Institutions and other intervention support.

The objectives are:
To improve civil protection preparedness and response to all kinds of disasters, including marine pollution, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear emergencies, as well as combined disasters and disasters simultaneously affecting a number of countries (inside or outside the participating states of the Mechanism) by providing a testing environment of established and/or new operational concepts and procedures of the Mechanism and a learning opportunity for all actors involved in civil protection assistance interventions under the Civil Protection Mechanism.

The expected results are:
§  The existing procedures for the various elements of the Civil Protection Mechanism are improved and new procedures, where needed, are established.
§  The interoperability of intervention teams is improved as the result of the exercise; in particular this will mean quicker dispatch time, improved cooperation arrangements, better communication between headquarters and field, identification of shortcomings in the existing structures.
§  Participating states, enlargement countries not participating in the Mechanism, and European Neighbourhood Policy countries are aware and prepared to receive and to provide assistance trough the Mechanism.

Types of exercises:
Eligible projects to be co-financed under this call for proposals can be a table-top, command-post or full scale exercises (TTX, CPX or FSX). A combination of two or three of these types of exercises is possible.
§  Table top exercise (TTX) is designed to put real crisis managers in a situation to use existing plans and procedures to take decisions according to a proposed scenario. A TTX can also be used to develop plans and procedures were there are none. Being a discussion mode exercise, it does not require any deployment gathers the Exercising Participants in one single location under the guidance and control of experienced staff.
§  Command Post Exercise CPX is designed to put command structures in a real situation, requesting the deployment of a EUCP Team and possibly key staff of operational assets together with command and communication staff and tools. The Exercising Participants work from their offices or command posts.
§  Full Scale Exercise (FSX) is designed to replicate one or several phases of an emergency with the commitment of all the public bodies and authorities that would be committed in a real situation. All the functions (operation, command, logistics, communication, public information, etc.) of a real operation are replicated and played in a coordinated way.

The maximum EU co-funding rate is established in 85% of eligible costs, with a maximum of Euro 1.000.000 for each proposal financed. The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is EUR 6 000 000. EUR 4 000 000 have been reserved for exercises involving only the participating States and EUR 2 000 000 for exercises with the involvement of one or more enlargement countries which are not participating states to the Mechanism or countries under the European Neighbourhood Policy (for more information see the WP 2014).

Source and More Information, Click this Link.

Call For Proposal 2014 - R2HC: Second Phase Grant Program For All Country

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: July 10, 2014.

The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme aims to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises. The programme is the product of a strategic partnership between the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Wellcome Trust, with ELRHA overseeing the programme’s execution and management.

The Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA) invites grant applications for the Research for Health in Humanitarian Crisis (R2HC) Second Phase. Any research that will strengthen the evidence base around public health interventions are encouraged to submit proposals. The project for which grant request is made should thereby lead to more effective public health interventions, in humanitarian crises.
Proposals may be concerned with any (or a combination) of the various public health topics, and extend to related issues such as shelter and WASH that have a clear impact public health. Proposals may also address the ethical issues surrounding the conduct of public health research in humanitarian crisis contexts.

Thematic Areas:
1.    Communicable diseases
2.    Sexual and reproductive health
3.    Multi-sector integrated responses
4.    Health systems and health services
5.  Cost-effectiveness of interventions to ensure that they provide good value for money and have the greatest public health impact

The term ‘Humanitarian Crises’ in this context includes natural disastersconflicts, or complex emergencies, either at the national or sub-national levels, within lower or middle income countries.

Source and More Information, Click this Link.
