Request For Proposal 2013 - UNESCO: for Ecological Restoration of Degraded Critical Orangutan Habitat and Supporting Community Based Ecotourism Development in Gunung Leuser National Park

Posted by Unknown Thursday, May 23, 2013 0 comments
Closing Date: May 29,2013.

Since 2005, the UNESCO and Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP) have worked together to improve the conservation of the National Park and to promote sustainable livelihoods in the villages located in its surroundings. Among the array of activities that the UNESCO Environmental Science Unit has carried out in GLNP, one of the most relevant is the Ecosystem Restoration Program in Sei Serdang.

Started in 2008, the Ecosystem Restoration Program aims to restore degraded areas inside the national park by applying a scientifically sound accelerated natural forest succession process. As such, the Ecological Restoration has several preliminary assessments and studies in order to define the best methodology to implement ecosystem restoration. The ecological restoration will reach the targeted aims by following the ecosystem approach through the replication of the natural forest succession process.

The main objectives are:
a)    To improve the capacities of the GLNP in dealing with the most common issues towards the conservation of the park, such as illegal activities and lack of updated and accurate data on the field conditions. This will be done following the Ministry of Forestry programme on Resort Based Management (RMB), already implemented in other National Parks in Indonesia.
b)    To restore critically degraded forest areas that constitute main habitats for orangutans and other relevant wildlife
c)     To establish a system to record the restoration activities progress and success that can be applied to all restoration activities in GLNP.

Expected Outputs:
a)    Resort Based Management system established in at least 4 resort offices in GLNP and lessons learnt.
b)   Maintain the ecosystem restoration in the 27 Ha in Sei Serdang, in close coordination with GLNP and the appointed restoration team.
c)    73 Ha of degraded forest in Sei Serdang restored following an accelerated natural succession process, in close coordination with GLNP and the appointed restoration team
d)   Comprehensive restoration database including information about planting dates and location, conditions of the seedlings, and the data collected during the monitoring, and data collected during the monitoring activities, i.e. growth rate, survival rate, species specific statistics, wildlife encounters, rainfall, temperature, etc.
e)   Comprehensive report on all of the project activities 

Source and More Informations, Click this Link.


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