Call For Proposal 2016 - World Bank: to Improve Development Response for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons December 14, 2015

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, December 29, 2015 0 comments
Closing Date: January 24, 2016.

The World Bank’s Global Program on Forced Displacement (GPFD) is calling for proposals for innovative and transformational ideas that can improve the development response to forced displacement. Displacement tends to be protracted, and development programs in origin, host, transit, and destination countries are urgently needed to complement humanitarian assistance.

Innovative ideas may include analytical work, use of new technologies, or development projects.  Many such ideas are often at the inception stage, requiring further work to be sufficiently detailed and specific for donors or investors to support them. GPFD will provide up to $40,000 for selected teams to develop their idea into a full concept note which would meet World Bank Group standards. 

The Global Program on Forced Displacement (GPFD), housed in the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group, was established in 2009 with support from Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Switzerland to enhance the global development response to forced displacement through economically and socially sustainable solutions. GPFD focuses on development responses to situations of crisis, protracted displacement and return, through operational support, partnerships, analytical work, and knowledge dissemination.

For more Information, Follow Link.


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