Foundation Ensemble - Call For Proposal 2012

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, January 3, 2012 0 comments
Closing Date: February 12,2012.
In 2012, the Foundation will focus on funding projects that will bring multiple benefit in three or more categories of impact among the following:

 - Environmental Impact: Improvement of the main natural resources (water, air, timber, wildlife, fish,…), preservation/enhancement of biodiversity, fight against erosion, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon capture, soil enrichment, fight against desertification, etc. …
-  Social Impact: Improve food security, health, education, housing, governance, understanding and respect for human rights, reducing the risks of conflict …
- Economic Impact: Increase and diversification of income, creation of micro-enterprises, job creation, cost reduction (energy, water, …)…  
- Disaster Risks Reduction : Such as landslides, floods, destruction of habitat and means of production, caused by hazards like storms/cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis …
This is obviously not about trying to respond to all these issues, but to make interventions which can meet the priority needs of communities in one or several areas, while helping to improve the situation for other aspects.
For example, a well-designed project for community rehabilitation of mangroves in areas exposed to cyclones will:
- Enhance biodiversity and enrichment of fish stocks (spawning area and growth of young fish), allow carbon capture in the mangrove trees ;
-  Provide a resource of shellfish, fish, wood; allow an education to people about the importance of the mangrove, with a community mobilization around its management and its protection;
-  Bring additional revenues from the commercialization of resources, raw or transformed, potential eco-tourism;
-  Provide partial protection of the coastline (dikes, crops, housing) against strong winds, waves and floods, caused by storms and cyclones.
There are many other examples of intervention which can impact different areas. Guided by its purpose, the Foundation already funds projects which have both social and environmental benefits and which are, therefore, projects with multiple benefits. Nevertheless, the principle of multiple benefits could become even more wide-ranging and privileged thanks to the spirit of this appeal.

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UNCCD Invite Applications For 2012 Land For Life Award

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: February 29,2012.

The award will go to inspiring initiatives which secure the health and productivity of soil for the well-being of present and future generations.
The prize will be awarded to those efforts which reduce land degradation through sustainable land management, or are outstanding examples of political leadership, policy, business, advocacy campaigns or scientific research.
The Jury particularly welcomes nominations of candidates whose work is: innovative, collaborative, achieved in partnership across sectors, supports free knowledge sharing and capacity building, empowers vulnerable and marginalized groups, and fosters gender equality, cultural diversity and social inclusion.
Three awards will be granted in 2012 from a total prize fund of up to USD 100,000.

Nominations are welcome from:

  • individuals
  • institutions
  • non-governmental organizations and civil society
  • private sector
  • academic and research organizations
  • policy makers
  • journalists and media.
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WWSF Prize 2012 - For Women`s Creativity in Rural Life

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: March 31,2012.

Awarded since 1994 by WWSF Women's World Summit Foundation - an international, non-profit, humanitarian NGO, serving the implementation of women’s and children’s rights and the UN development agenda - the Prize ($ 1000 per laureate and $ 3000 for specific African women’s organisations), honors women and women's groups around the world exhibiting exceptional creativity, courage and commitment for the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities (375 prizes awarded so far). The Prize aims to draw international attention to laureates' contributions to sustainable development, household food security and peace, thus generating recognition and support for their projects. While rural women are vital in providing examples of sound practice in their communities, they still do not have full access to tools needed for development, such as education, credit, land rights and participation in decision making. By highlighting and awarding creative development models, innovations and experiences enhancing the quality of rural life, WWSF participates in addressing the eradication of rural poverty, gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment.


  • Nominees should be women and women’s groups currently active in rural life whose efforts have not yet been acknowledged by other awards. They may not nominate themselves.
  • The nominating organization or individual must have direct experience of the nominee's work. The nominator may not nominate a family member, be a member of the nominated organization, nor can an organization nominate its senior officer (i.e. founder, president etc.). No more than 3 nominees may be presented by the same person/organization in the same year. The nominator commits to organize an award ceremony if the candidate is selected for the Prize and invite the media.

Nominations must include the following items:

  1. Original signed letter of nomination indicating how the nominator knows the nominee and for how long.
  2. Biographical data on the nominee (full name, age, education, place of work, background) and a detailed history of the nominee's creative project (written by the nominator) including her motivation, innovative aspects, any obstacles overcome, and the impact in the community. Nominations must specify whether the nominee has received or is currently being nominated for other awards.
  3. Two original and signed endorsement letters from organizations or individuals other than the nominator and, if possible, additional supporting materials such as newspaper articles or publications.
  4. A few labeled photographs clearly showing the nominee(s) for possible publication.


The long-term impact of the Prize depends on the integrity of the nominators and the quality of their nominations. The Prize is an award for successful accomplishments rather than a fund for future projects. The nominee's history (2-3 pages) should demonstrate the creativity, courage and sometimes sacrifice in her efforts at the grass roots to improve life in rural communities. Descriptions should be as specific as possible.

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