OPEN Call For Proposal 2012 - African Union Research Grants

Posted by Unknown Friday, February 24, 2012 0 comments
Closing Date: April 20,2012.

The African Union Commission is seeking proposals for research focusing on the following thematic priorities articulated in Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA) and its Lighthouse Projects: (a) Post-harvest and Agriculture, (b) Renewable and Sustainable Energy, and (c) Water and Sanitation in Africa. The programme is financed through the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the ACP Group of States under the ACP Research for Sustainable Development Program of the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Envelop.

The Second Call for Research Projects and Proposals will be limited to the following science and technology strategic priority actions:
* Post-harvest and Agriculture
Research projects may address the following issues:
o Food security and productivity
o Crop-livestock integration
o Fisheries and aquatic management
o Agricultural policy and commercialization, marketing of agricultural produce
* Renewable and sustainable energy
Research projects may address the following issues:
o Sustainable energy at a local and regional level
o Renewable energy use and its impact on the environment
o Innovative approach to Renewable and sustainable energy
o Measures for making sustainable energy more widespread
* Water and sanitation
o Water for livelihood
o Water for agriculture
o Social and economic dimensions of water resources management

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auto insurance

Grant Program 2012 - TRAID (Textile Recycling for Aid and International Development)

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: March 6,2012.
This year, TRAID is committing £400,000 to international development projects raised from the collection, reuse and resale of unwanted textiles.  We aim to be open and approachable, and operate a fair and transparent application process. 
To submit an initial proposal, please read and download the Guidance Notes and the Call for Proposals form. Even if you are familiar with TRAID's funding process, please read the Guidance Notes carefully as there are some changes. Please note that at this time, TRAID is only funding UK based organisations. 

Additional Form:
1. Call for Proposals Guidance Notes (Download Word Doc)
2. Concept Note Form (Download Word Doc) 

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Environmental Conservation Grant 2012 - The Nando Peretti Foundation

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: March 10,2012.
The Nando Peretti Foundation has been operating for over ten years to support programs aimed at protecting and promoting human rights, children education and protection, scientific and medical research and health, promotion of art and culture, environmental protection and nature conservation.
Particular attention is paid to the immediate intervention programs for those who live in situations of extreme economic and social hardship.
If you wish to explore the areas of intervention and type of projects that the Foundation has supported to date, please visit our website at All past and ongoing projects are published online.

The Nando Peretti Foundation is a non-profit foundation. Therefore, the candidate must be a non-profit organization (association, foundation, cultural association, university, academic institution, etc.).

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Call For Proposal 2012 - AERC: Cimate Change and Green Development

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: March 31,2012.
The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) and the United Nations University's World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) are engaged in a collaborative program focused on climate change issues. Proposals for research activities in the area of climate change and green development are welcomed from scholars throughout the AERC network. While it is recognized that analysis of climate change issues often requires a multidisciplinary perspective, all proposals are expected to contain rigorous, topical and policy relevant economic analysis.

The following proposal guidelines apply:
• All technical proposals should be no more than five pages of 12 point, double spaced text.
• Technical proposals should cover (i) the research questions and hypotheses, (ii) relevance of the issues to be explored, (iii) methods, (iv) data to be employed including some descriptive statistics and (v) a list of the three to five papers from the literature that inform your proposal.
• The maximum grant application is $15,000. Detailed budgets are not required.
• In addition to the technical proposal, please also include a short description of the interests and background of each investigator (no more than one page per investigator).

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Call For Proposal 2012 - GAFSP (the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program)

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Closing Date: March 31,2012.
The GAFSP Steering Committee launched the second Public Sector Window Call for Proposals to eligible countries on January 10, 2012. Additional details about the application process, eligibility requirements, and guidelines are available in the attached Second Call for Proposals—Public Sector Window Announcement (January 10, 2012), and in the Revised Country Guidelines for the Public Sector Window (January 10, 2012). 
Currently, GAFSP has approximately USD 180 million to allocate to the roughly 5 to 6 highest ranked proposals. The total amount is tentative and may increase depending on further donor commitments received between now and the time of allocation. There is no guarantee that all deserving proposals will be funded given the limited availability of funds. Successful proposals will be selected by the Steering Committee by the end of May 2012.
Countries that previously submitted proposals and were not awarded funding are strongly encouraged to reapply, although no preference will be given to these proposals. The selection criteria have been updated from the Country Guidelines under the previous Call for Proposals; countries are requested to review and revise previous proposals to follow the Revised Country Guidelines before submitting. Full details about the current Call for Proposals can be found in the Second Call for Proposals—Public Sector Window Announcement (January 10, 2012), and in the Revised Country Guidelines for the Public Sector Window (version: January 10, 2012).

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