ASP - Call for Conservation Award Nominations and Grant Applications 2012
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Subscription Award: This award provides the American Journal of Primatology to worthy individuals in habitat countries who otherwise would have little access to the scientific literature on nonhuman primates. Preference is given to individuals who will make the journal available for use by students and colleagues. The award is normally granted for a 5-year period. Recipients are requested to submit a brief report summarizing the use of the journal. A nominating letter should describe the nominee's credentials, his/her primate-related activities, and should explain why the nominee deserves to receive high priority consideration. DUE DATE: 31 January, 2012.
Conservation Award ($750): This award provides recognition and financial support for students and young investigators from habitat countries who demonstrate potential for making significant and continuing contributions to primate conservation. Those eligible include students, researchers, and educators from primate habitat countries for whom no more than five years have elapsed since receipt of their terminal degree. Nominators should provide the name, title and full mailing address of their nominee, along with a statement about the nominee's qualifications for the award, focusing on past and potential contributions to primate conservation. A copy of the nominee's vita is requested. Supporting letters from other individuals acquainted with the nominee's work may be submitted. Past awards have been presented by U.S. Ambassadors or other senior officials, thereby obtaining favorable publicity for the award, its recipient, and primate conservation in the recipient's country. DUE DATE: 31 January, 2012.
Conservation Small Grants (up to $1,500): Grant proposals are solicited for conservation research or related projects, including conservation education. ASP members working in habitat countries are especially urged to apply or to help someone from a habitat country submit a meaningful project that can be a portion of a larger effort. Recipients of grants must agree to submit a brief report (maximum 1-2 pages, single spaced), in a form suitable for publication in the ASP Bulletin, to the chair of the ASP Conservation Committee within 6 months of completion of the project.
To apply, please first visit the list of FAQ about the grant. Application forms will be available for download and can then be submitted online using the grant application system (available after January 1st, 2012). Applications will ONLY be accepted through the ASP online grant submission system. Please note that this system requires applicants to log-in to the ASP portal. You do not need to be an ASP member to apply, but you will need to register online in order to submit your application. All non-members and students are required to submit one (1) letter of recommendation (preferably from a current ASP member if a non-member; from an academic advisor if a student). Students and non-members will be asked to enter the email address of their letter writer. An email message will then automatically be sent to the letter writer with information on how to submit the letter.
Contact Erin Riley, chair of Conservation Committee, with any additional questions.
On-line grant submission begins 1 January, 2012.
Application deadline: January 31st, 2012. Contact Erin Riley, chair of Conservation Committee, with any questions.
Evaluation and Application Procedure:
- Conservation Small Grants: The ASP Conservation Committee will make its recommendations for grants by late April, 2012. In this way, the grant recipients will be able to acquire their funds before the summer months. All applicants will be informed of decisions by May 2012, and successful applicants will be published in the ASP Bulletin and posted on the ASP web page.
- Conservation Awards & AJP Subscription Awards: The Conservation Committee will make its recommendations for awards to the ASP Board of Directors at the annual ASP meeting in June, 2012. Successful nominees will be informed following the meeting and their names will be published in the ASP Bulletin and posted on the ASP web page.
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