Tourism Cares - Worldwide Grant 2012
Monday, November 14, 2011
Two 2012 On-line Application Deadlines for Step One - Initial Letter of Inquiry Phase:
Thursday, March 1, 2012, 5 pm Eastern time
Monday, July 2, 2012, 5 pm Eastern time
Monday, July 2, 2012, 5 pm Eastern time
Evaluation Process:
The Tourism Cares Blue Ribbon Panel, composed of U.S. experts in the fields of conservation, preservation, restoration, and tourism, make up the selection committee. The role of the committee members is to evaluate suitable Worldwide Grant applications provided by eligible nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations after staff review and make final recommendations to the Executive Director and the Tourism Cares Board of Directors Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee’s decisions are reported to the Tourism Cares Board of Directors. Grantmaking eligibility criteria are set annually by the Blue Ribbon Panel with staff input and approved by the Board of Directors. The Eligibility Criteria are subject to change.
Any information your organization provides to Tourism Cares as part of this application will be kept confidential. The on-line application platform is a secure site (https://).
Method of Submission:
The Worldwide Grant Application is only available on-line. Paper applications sent in by mail or fax, or e-mailed as attachments, will not be considered. Also, any items submitted under separate cover will not be considered.
Compatible Web Browsers:
The preferred browser is Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher.
Application Steps:
Tourism Cares will notify both organizations that are accepted, or denied, at the appropriate phase of the application process.
To be considered for a Tourism Cares Worldwide Grant, please access the on-line application to submit the items described in the Step One - Initial Letter of Inquiry Phase below.
Step One - Initial Letter of Inquiry Phase:
Includes on-line application which incorporates the Letter of Inquiry questions. Applicants are also required to submit the following documents in PDF format only (maximum 3 megabytes per PDF) in the Required Attachments section of the on-line application:
I. Copy of official IRS 501 (c) (3) determination letter for U.S. organizations (or federally-recognized U.S. Native American tribe letter), or equivalent document showing proof of nonprofit, tax-exempt status for non-U. S. organizations (a notarized English translation as needed).
II. Project Budget and Budget Explanatory Narrative (in U.S. dollars)* (Click the title for a PDF showing two samples in the required format; this document can also be accessed in the Required Attachments section of the on-line application.)
II. Project Budget and Budget Explanatory Narrative (in U.S. dollars)* (Click the title for a PDF showing two samples in the required format; this document can also be accessed in the Required Attachments section of the on-line application.)
After Tourism Cares has verified and reviewed your Step One - Initial Letter of Inquiry Phase submission, your organization will be notified regarding its application status (four to six weeks after the Step One - Initial Letter of Inquiry Phase application deadline) regarding an invitation to submit a Step Two - Full Proposal.
Step Two - Full Proposal Phase:
Only applicants who have submitted Step One Required Attachments, and are invited by Tourism Cares to submit a Full Proposal in the on-line application will need to fulfill this step. Applicants at this phase are given about one month to submit Full Proposal documents in the on-line application.
After Tourism Cares has performed due diligence for your organization's Step Two - Full Proposal Phase submission, your organization will be notified regarding grant selection status (approximately seven weeks after the Step Two - Full Proposal Phase deadline).
Grantee Selection Notification:
Tourism Cares will require organizations that are selected to receive a grant to sign an agreement letter and submit media permission and PR information.
Grant Funds Disbursement and Timing:
Grant funds will be disbursed by check to U.S.-based organizations, and by wire transfer to non-U.S.-based organizations. The timing of these funds should be five to six months after the Step One: Initial Letter of Inquiry application deadline.
Final Report Submission:
All grantees need to submit a final report on how funds were used 12 months from the date of the grant award.
Source and More Information:
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