Research Grant 2012-2013: AAV Funding
Friday, November 18, 2011
Closing Date: January 15,2012:
The full project, or portion of the project for which funding is requested, must be completed within one (1) calendar year upon acceptance.
Costs such as travel expenses, publication costs, investigator or assistant salaries, major equipment purchases, and overhead shall not be funded by the AAV
All prospective research studies funded by the AAV must receive full approval by the facility’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or equivalent research review entity. If IACUC (or equivalent) approval is pending at the time of full proposal submission to the AAV, proof of subsequent complete approval must be made available to the AAV before funds can be released for the research project.
Although not a mandatory requirement for funding, selected investigators are strongly encouraged to publish their results in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery (JAMS) and/or submit presentation proposals for the annual conference of the AAV. Selected investigators will be required to provide a written research updateto the AAV at the end of the first calendar year from funding, and to submit a final research summary suitable for publication in JAMS and presentation on the AAV research website once the project is completed.
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