Call For Proposal 2012 : ACP-EU Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Closing Date: February 3,2012.
Window 1 which aims to strengthen regional/sub-regional cooperation to advance ACP countries’ national disaster risk reduction agendas.
Window 2 which aims to provide need-based and demand-driven technical assistance for DRR and climate adaptation policy development and its implementation including provision of technical advisory capacity in ACP countries.
Proposed activities may be directly executed by the World Bank (Bank executed) or by external partners (Recipient executed). All activities funded under this program will have to comply with the World Bank fiduciary policies.
For both windows, grant funding range from USD 250K to USD 1million.
Eligibility and Requirements:
Who can apply: World Bank, Government authorities (including local level governments), Regional Organizations, UN agencies, and Civil Society Organizations are eligible to submit a proposal on their own or in partnership with one another.
Coordination with the European Union: Proponents are required to coordinate with EU representatives in the Delegations or at HQ, to ensure their proposal’s complementarity with other EU-funded instruments and/or programs.
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