Skoll Foundation - Award 2012: For Social Entrepreneurship
Monday, January 9, 2012
The application process for the 2013 Skoll Awards is open from January 4 – March 1, 2012. A preview of the application can be viewed anytime. To be considered, organizations must meet this specific Awards criteria: Winners have a tested and proven social innovation that addresses an issue of critical importance and is positioned for large-scale impact.
Focus Issue Areas
The Skoll Foundation’s focus on the following issue areas stems from a belief that many of the world’s most pressing problems are exacerbated by inequality between the rich and the poor. Social entrepreneurs provide solutions that address this inequity at a systemic level.
The following list serves as a guide and is not meant to be comprehensive:
- Economic and Social Equity
- Environmental Sustainability
- Health
- Institutional Responsibility
- Peace and Security
- Tolerance, Justice, and Human Rights
Budget Guidance
While the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship do not have an absolute budget threshold for eligibility, we have found that organizations with annual revenues below US$2.5 million that have activities primarily in developed countries and below US$1 million that have activities primarily in developing countries tend to be at a disadvantage in the selection process. The selection process prioritizes organizations based on readiness to expand impact significantly and/or scale up solutions and favors organizations within these budget thresholds.
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