Call for 100 Resilient Cities Challenge 2015 - Rockefeller Foundation

Posted by Unknown Sunday, September 6, 2015 0 comments
Closing Date: November 24,2015.

The 100 Resilient Cities Challenge seeks to find 100 cities that are ready to build resilience to the social, economic, and physical challenges that cities face in an increasingly urbanized world. Is your city ready to become resilient?

We can't predict the next disruption or catastrophe. But we can control how we respond to these challenges. We can adapt to the shocks and stresses of our world and transform them into opportunities for growth. If your city applies for the 100 Resilient Cities Challenge, it could be one of 100 cities eligible to receive funding to hire a Chief Resilience Officer, assistance in developing a resilience strategy, access to a platform of innovative private and public sector tools to help design and implement that strategy, and membership in the 100 Resilient Cities Network.

Who can submit an application?

Challenge entrants will be primarily municipal governments. Only one entry per city will be eligible for consideration in the challenge. All entrants will be required to submit a letter of support from the highest-ranking representative of the city government, whether elected or appointed. Generally, this representative would be a mayor, city chief executive officer, or city manager. Major institutions (e.g., a nonprofit organization, university, chamber of commerce, or research center) that have an affiliation with a city may apply on the city’s behalf upon satisfying the following two requirements: (1) within the required letter of support, the highest ranking official must indicate agreement with all entry form answers and (2) the entry form must include at least one city contact and a valid email address. Affiliated organizations may also apply when a city cannot represent itself for legal reasons.

For more information, Click Link.


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