Call For Proposal 2012 - UN Women: UN Trust Fund
Monday, November 28, 2011
Closing Date: January 19,2012.
The UN Trust Fund operates based on the voluntary contributions of UN Member States, non‐profit organizations, foundations, the private sector and concerned individuals. Its governance and grantmaking is guided by consultative committees at global and sub‐regional levels comprised of UN agencies, leading experts and other key stakeholders.3 Information on the UN Trust Fund, including its history, past grantees and donors, can be found on UN Women’s website.
The 2011 UN Trust Fund Call invites proposals in the following areas of action:
i. Closing the Gap on the Implementation of National and Local Laws, Policies and Action Plans that Address Violence against Women
i. Closing the Gap on the Implementation of National and Local Laws, Policies and Action Plans that Address Violence against Women
ii. Addressing Violence against Women in Conflict, Post‐conflict and Transitional Settings Through its grants, the UN Trust Fund aims to expand the global knowledge base on ‘what works’ by supporting the piloting, testing, up‐scaling, evaluation, documentation and dissemination of catalytic, innovative and promising approaches on ending violence against women and girls.
The ideal proposal will ensure rigorous documentation of effective approaches addressing violence against women, with a view to sharing lessons learned and providing practical guidance for other programmers.
In all cases, emphasis will be placed on the applicant’s ability to clearly articulate the contextual challenges, expected results and strategies to achieve them, with a focus on tailored approaches to address the proposed form of violence or beneficiary age group targeted through the intervention. Programmes reaching especially marginalized populations including the internally displaced, refugees, victims of trafficking, and women with disabilities will receive special consideration. Additional information will also be requested of applicants shortlisted to submit a full‐fledged proposal.
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