Small Grant Program 2012 - The Road Safety Fund
Monday, November 28, 2011
Closing Date: January 31,2012.
We are looking for projects that will make a demonstrable and sustainable contribution towards the achievement of the Goal of the Decade of Action: to save five million lives by 2020. Our Small Grant funding is intended to enable and catalyse practical activity. For example, you may need financial assistance for a national workshop to build support for road safety standards or legislation; perhaps you want to run a pilot awareness campaign for seat belt or helmet wearing as the first step to a national program and need some seed-funding to help get it started; or maybe you are forming a coalition of organisations and government agencies to advocate for tougher drink drive laws and want help with start-up costs.
Below we explain the application and grant approval procedure. Please note that we currently have limited funding available and not all applications will be successful.
2. Criteria
To be considered for funding, applicants must:
i. Be governmental or non-profit organisations with a track record in road injury prevention activities or related fields;
ii. Ensure project proposals:
- are aligned with the Global Plan for the Decade of Action;
- contribute to road injury reduction in middle-income and/or low income countries;
- demonstrate a catalysing effect, for example by:
- encouraging and enabling institutional capacity development including, where applicable, legislation and enforcement of road injury risk factors;
- building sustainable national or local partnerships and campaigns to practically address specific road injury risk factors, e.g. seat belt, helmet or drink driving coalitions;
- developing strategies to sustain activities over the medium and long term, for example by using the project to leverage additional public/private sector funding;
- demonstrating potential transferability of your activity to other regions/countries; - include measurable outputs and objectives;
iii. Accept, understand and meet their obligations under the UK Bribery Act 2010;
3. Grant application procedure
i. Application form: applicants must use the application form which must be completed in English and returned by hard copy;
ii. Acknowledgement: Applications received will be acknowledged by e-mail within 10 working days;
iii. Deadline: the deadline for receipt of 2012 applications will be Tuesday 31st January 2012.
iv. Project approval: The Expert Advisory Committee of the Road Safety Fund will review project applications and approve all small grant programme funding decisions.
v. Notice of decision: The Secretariat will notify all successful and unsuccessful applicants within 10 working days of the Expert Advisory Committee decision;
vi. Grant Agreement: successful applicants will be required to complete the FIA Foundation’s grant agreement;
vii. Payment & reporting: grants will be paid in instalments. The first instalment will be paid on signing of the grant agreement. Any subsequent instalments will be paid upon receipt of satisfactory activity and expenditure reports, as required in the grant agreement.
ii. Acknowledgement: Applications received will be acknowledged by e-mail within 10 working days;
iii. Deadline: the deadline for receipt of 2012 applications will be Tuesday 31st January 2012.
iv. Project approval: The Expert Advisory Committee of the Road Safety Fund will review project applications and approve all small grant programme funding decisions.
v. Notice of decision: The Secretariat will notify all successful and unsuccessful applicants within 10 working days of the Expert Advisory Committee decision;
vi. Grant Agreement: successful applicants will be required to complete the FIA Foundation’s grant agreement;
vii. Payment & reporting: grants will be paid in instalments. The first instalment will be paid on signing of the grant agreement. Any subsequent instalments will be paid upon receipt of satisfactory activity and expenditure reports, as required in the grant agreement.
4. Communication
Organisations and projects funded through the small grants programme will be communicated via the Road Safety Fund website and annual report, and any relevant ad hoc publications. Organisations in receipt of funding will be required to acknowledge the support of the Road Safety Fund in any communications relating to their project.
5. Further information
Please e-mail the Small Grants Programme at if you have questions relating to your proposed application.
The Small Grants Programme is enabled with the generous support of Allianz, Bosch, Guinea Alumina, Innovate Solutions and Vinci Autoroutes Fondation.
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