Call For Projects 2012 - Swiss Networks For International Studies
Monday, December 5, 2011
Closing Date: January 16,2012.
- International studies: projects must be comparative, addressing cross-border issues, i.e. the research question must bear on at least two different nations, or be (internationally) comparative (i.e. how do transnational corporate social responsibility standards shape labor conditions in China and Taiwan)
- Pluri-disciplinary:projects teams must be composed of experts from different scientific backgrounds. The project must be elaborated jointly by all applicants
The SNIS considers that International Studies deal not only with the analysis of international relations, but also with political, economic, social, environmental, legal, health, scientific and development issues. It welcomes contributions from both the social and natural sciences and combinations thereof.
Who is eligible? The SNIS only accepts project submissions emanating from Swiss institutions of higher education and research (see list of eligible institutions). International Organizations and NGOs can submit research propositions to the attention of the qualified submitters.
Thematically, submissions can be made in one of these two sections
1.General call: In any area of International Studies as defined above
2.Special theme 2012: Sustainable development in an era of financial crisis
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