GDRL Funds to 60 Demonstration sites in developing countries
Monday, August 15, 2011
The project funds the deployment of the GDRL to 60 demonstration sites in developing countries by the end of 2012.
To be Considered as a Deployment Site
To be considered as a deployment site, you must complete the on-line application form (link on the left) to provide general information about your organization and must provide at least one professional reference.
The GDRL team will review all online applications and will contact eligible organizations for more details to further measure their capacity to become a deployment site. Sites chosen for further screening will usually be contacted via email or phone. Please inform us if you need to be contacted by other means, such as via fax or via a third party.
We anticipate the number of applicants will far exceed our 60 funded deployment sites. This process will be competitive and we cannot guarantee that everyone applying to become a deployment site will be chosen.
Please read the specific site selection criteria and factors to be addressed in the application process for a successful deployment: GDRL Site Selection Criteria
To preview the GDRL application questions, please click the Print blank form to fill out off-line link.
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